Don't Let Perfection Get in the Way of Progress

#podcast Jan 01, 2024

TLDR: My podcast is short, can have weird background noise, is unscripted because I record them when I walk in the morning (don't let perfection get in the way of progress) and actionable because I want you to succeed!

I knew MONTHS ago that I wanted to start a podcast. So every morning on my 3 mile walk I recorded simply using my phone. I walked in Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Amsterdam and South County RI.

Here's more of the backstory, so that you understand why you'll be hearing what you're hearing.

1. Short and Sweet
Like you, I'm a very busy woman. I find attending to 60 minute and even 30 minute podcast really difficult. Recent research finds that the average attention span is about 3 minutes. (UGH, I know!)

So, you'll get my podcast in bite-size chunks addressing key career and leadership development content that you could nibble on and take in one six minute or so podcast at a time. Or listen to a few if you are in the car or at a doctor's office and you have a bit more time to listen.

2. Fresh and Unscripted

My second goal was that I wanted my mini-podcasts to be fresh. I want to capitalize on the fact that I'm most creative in the morning and when I walk*. I don't want to sit in a studio with all the gear and create my content on a schedule. I want to share it with you as it comes to mind, in response to real-time events and/or real-time outreach from women like you who are navigating their career journey.

3. Role Modeling Opportunity Capture

And because you have to work The Missing 33% and your career growth into your everyday, I want you to see how I fit the podcast into my day. Depending on where I am in the world, you might hear random car sounds, bird song, waves crashing. dogs barking, roosters crowing airplane noise, and you'll definitely hear me huffing and puffing cuz my favorite time of day to walk and muse is in the morning.

 4. An Example of Not Letting Perfection Get in the Way of Progress

I have for the podcast is to deliver the message, Don't let perfection get in the way of progress. Take a leap forward, take a risk, take an action. If it's not perfect, it's not the end of the world.

5. Insightful and Actionable

You want a career that is beyond the norm and to get there you want guidance that is atypical. In every podcast my goal is to give you insights that turn advice from flawed to fabulous, from conventional to unconventional and from ho hum to WOW! All while making it actionable.

If you want to get unstuck, feel more confident, self-promote with greater ease, have a more polished leadership brand and basically power up your career, subscribe to the Be Business Savvy podcast @Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts or read about the episodes here.

Catch you next time.


PS here's a recent post of mine from Linkedin ICYMI

I often say, "Don't let perfection get in the way of progress." This is important guidance that will prevent you wasting your valuable time in pursuit of an unobtainable goal.

And here's a motivating thought for how you show up the world. 

🤩 🤩 🤩 "You don't have to be perfect to be amazing!" 🤩 🤩 🤩 

Catch you next time,


PS Was this of value to you? Share the content with a colleague or friend so she can benefit as well.

*Research on walking and creativity: "Participants were dramatically more creative while walking than sitting." caught via Twitter


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